Around Town - Union County Moms

10 Ways to Celebrate Halloween Safely

Halloween is an annual rite of passage for kids. From the first time a new walker toddles up to trick or treat with his parents, to older kids finally being allowed to go door-to-door on their own—Halloween is as much a part of childhood as any holiday. Which makes it...

12 Easy Halloween Recipes!

Get your crew into the spooky spirit with these fun, simple recipes. We’re rounded up our favorite snack, dessert and even cocktail recipes from around the web. We hope they make your holiday just a little more festive—and delicious. SnacksSmoky Pumpkin Deviled Eggs...

Chatham Summit Moms New & Expecting Moms Guide!

​We’re so excited to bring you the first annual Chatham Summit Moms New & Expecting Moms Guide! Expecting and welcoming a new baby is not only an exciting time for the whole family… but it can also be an overwhelming time. To help, we have a New Moms...

Academic Approach

It’s only October, but this has already been a challenging school year for students, parents, and teachers. At Academic Approach, we’re happy to be back in the rhythm of a new school year.  Even as students and teachers work remotely, we continue to offer one-on-one...

Who We Play For: Preventing Sudden Cardiac Arrest

What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest? Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is a life-threatening emergency that occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating. It strikes people of all ages who may seem to be healthy, even children and teens. When SCA happens, the person collapses and...

Meet a Dad: Arthur Lih III of LifeVac!

Arthur Lih, III is the Inventor and CEO of LifeVac, an upper airway clearance device that can save someone from choking to death. The device has saved 78 lives around the world to date—including the lives of 27 children. We spoke to Arthur, dad to Jackie (15), about...

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